A Glossary of a hacker’s dictionary

++++Term++++ +++++++++++++++++Definition
Advanced persistent threat (APT): A strategic cyber attack that infiltrates a system and persists over a prolonged period of time, potentially undetected. APTs may be carried out by a nation state or criminal organization to steal sensitive data or compromise a target system.
Botnet: A large network of virus-infected computers that can be used to generate spam, spread viruses, perpetrate click fraud or conduct attacks on other systems.
Bug bounty program: A program where software companies offer cash rewards to hackers to find and report exploitable vulnerabilities before they can be used by cyber criminals. Facebook, Google, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft have been known to offer thousands of dollars in return for bugs.
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack: An attack designed to disrupt a computer system or website service by bombarding the site with so much web traffic that it crashes. Botnets are often used to carry out DDoS assaults.
Ransomware: Malicious software designed to block access to a system or account until a sum of money is paid.
Social engineering: Non-computer methods of manipulation to obtain sensitive personal information, such as birth dates, or social security numbers. Personal knowledge often used to bypass passwords.
Special phishing: An email masquerading as being from a trusted source or person you know sent with the goal of obtaining sensitive information, often by downloading data-sniffing and computer-controlling malicious software.
Zero-day exploit: A previously undetected software vulnerability that is used to hack into affected system before developers or manufacturers can address or fix the problem.

This post was posted by Daizy for DMG Weblabs, Toronto. DMG Weblabs is a Toronto based web design company specialized in creating SEO web sites and mobile ready websites.

Source: The Globe and Mail

Twelve big hacks

Some of the largest hacks in history, by records exposed :

# Name Hacks +++++++++++++++++Expose
1 NYC Taxi & Limousine 173 million Hack exploits poorly anonymized trip details and personal information of drivers
2 Adobe Systems 152 million Hack of company systems exposes informations related to customer orders
3 Shanghai Roadway 150 million Firm may have illegally bought and sold customers’ information
4 eBay 145 million Hack exposes names, encrypted password and personal information
5 Unknown South Korean Firms 140 million North Korean hackers expose e-mail addresses and identification numbers
6 Heartland 130 million Hack/malicious software exposes credit cards at processor
7 Target 110 million Hack exposes customer information by targeting point-of-sale systems
8 Korea Credit Bureau 104 million Insider fraud exposes 104 million credit cards
9 TJX 94 million Hack exposes credit cards and transaction details
10 TRW 90 million Hack exposes credit-reporting database
11 JPMorgan 83 million Hack exposes names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mails of the holders of household and small business accounts
12 Home Depot 56 million Hackers use malware to steal debit and credit card data from point-of-sale systems

This post was posted by Daizy for DMG Weblabs, Toronto. DMG Weblabs is a Toronto based web design company specialized in creating SEO web sites and mobile ready websites.

Source: The Globe and Mail